• ThanksgivingThanksgiving
  • SharingSharing
  • PKPK
  • OpennessOpenness
The culture without system is a slogan,
the system without culture is a shackle,
restore Chinese people’s humanization,
be thankful for parents, for friends,
for leaders and for the enterprise,
return to Chinese family culture.
Sharing gives staff a sense of security,
a sense of belonging and a sense of crisis.
Sharing lets knowledge and experience shared!
Form collective intelligence.
Sharing helps select talents, and sharing is the
wind vane of corporate culture. Real management is
to manage staff’s thought.
Only competition will bring an enemy,
only an enemy will lead to victory or defeat,
only victory or defeat will cause elimination,
Only elimination will produce vitality.
Openness and transparency…Sunlight is the best
microbicide. An open environment is available for
exchange of wealth. Openness is reassuring, while
seclusion is disquieting,
when hugging errors and strangers with an open mind,
we will be secured instead.